
1. Acceleration

Acceleration is one of the most important pillars in ongoing innovation programmes in large companies, since it helps the start-up in the construction and development of its value proposal as a company.



What does the acceleration process consist of?

Mango StartUp Studio makes all its expertise and experience in the business world, specifically in the fashion sector, available to entrepreneurs, in order to help small companies grow.  


Through the Mango StartUp Studio acceleration programme, the entrepreneurs will be able to define and construct their business project, in order to maximise its chances of success. 


Mango provides the start-ups with available information to help them define their mission and their business model with clarity, promote their initial products, identify customer segments and market trends and ensure the necessary resources to develop their activity. 

"The Mango accelerator allows start-ups to scale their business project"

2. Financing

The Mango StartUp Studio acceleration programme helps companies at the development stage in their financing process, a key aspect for the growth of the business project. Mango makes a seed capital investment that makes the business ideas and models presented in the acceleration programme viable within a short period of time.

How can I access the financing?

Access to external financing is key to promoting the idea of your start-up or business project.


According to various studies, 80% of the funding when commencing a business project is own funding or FFF, in other words, investment lines obtained in proximity (family, friends…). However, various lines of financing are available in the market: bank loans, private investors, business angels… each one with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Mango participates in the accelerator start-ups through a convertible participation loan, which can be converted into share capital at the moment there is a new round of financing.

The Mango StartUp Studio investment

Mango StartUp Studio offers an initial investment to the companies that participate in its acceleration programme. The aim of this contribution is to promote the business model of the start-up and develop the proof of concept defined in the acceleration process.


Through this investment, Mango StartUp Studio contributes to the innovation of the value chain of the fashion industry and to improving its customer experience.

3. Mentoring

Mango StartUp Studio allows companies at the development stage to obtain expertise and advice from a diverse team of Mango experts through a specific mentoring programme.

The mentoring gives the start-up companies a greater understanding of the business world. As well as improving their performance and productivity, it helps them gain confidence and security and enlarge their network of professional contacts, generating ties, among other benefits.

What form does the Mango StartUp Studio mentoring take?

Mango StartUp Studio mentors the selected start-ups for a specific period of time, approximately four to six months, providing this in the way that is most suitable for each company.


The mentoring phase of the programme is carried out through a network of Mango experts from various corporate divisions of the company, who provide the companies support in areas of expertise such as finance, organisation, human resources, technology, sustainability, design, etc.

4. Networking

Networking helps give the start-up companies visibility of their business proposal to the market, decision-making agents, and other players and companies, opening up new business and collaboration opportunities. Networking also offers a unique opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and to exchange ideas and build a network of professional alliances, which is key for the development of a company. 

What is networking for?

Networking helps give the start-up companies visibility of their business proposal to the market, decision-making agents, and other players and companies, opening up new business and collaboration opportunities. Networking also offers a unique opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and to exchange ideas and build a network of professional alliances, which is key for the development of a company. 

How is networking applied in Mango StartUp Studio?

Mango StartUp Studio has various initiatives that help promote relations between the selected companies and other market players. 

The accelerator periodically hosts relevant events and thematic meetings for the start-ups in venues such as the Mango Innovation Centre, located in Barcelona’s 22@ district, the heart of the business ecosystem. These events are attended by key figures in the public administration, other companies and start-ups, as well as investors and academics.

5. Support and collaboration

Mango StartUp Studio supports and helps the selected companies define and develop the proof of concept of their business model. During the acceleration process, the entrepreneurs are supported by Mango experts who have a long track record in the fashion industry and in the various areas of expertise in the business world. 

What are the benefits of support and collaboration?

Training, learning and exchanging opinions and ideas with Mango experts and the possibility of elevating and applying the business proposal to the trends and idiosyncrasies of each market, in addition to generating collaboration opportunities with the company, are two of the key benefits of the Mango StartUp Studio programme.

What form does Mango StartUp Studio support and collaboration take?

Mango supports and advises the selected companies in their business development process. If the initiative requires it, the company offers the start-ups the possibility to have a physical presence at the Mango offices. 

Depending on the nature of the project, the co-working service could be offered at the Mango company headquarters in Palau-solità i Plegamans (Barcelona), at its Lliçà d’Amunt logistics centre, or at the Mango Innovation Centre located in Barcelona’s 22@ district. There is also the option to receive individual mentoring sessions remotely, for entrepreneurs who are unable to travel to the company facilities.


Mango StartUp Studio also allows the start-ups to collaborate with Mango in the development of joint projects that help promote the innovation of the company, detect new growth opportunities and participate in the development of business models, applying new disruptive technologies and even developing real-life cases, in view of the high value or future potential they may offer. 

6. Visibility

Mango StartUp Studio allows the selected companies to give national and international visibility to their business model, due to the traction of a global and recognised company like Mango.

How will my company be visible?

Mango StartUp Studio will help the start-ups in their process of growth and public visibility to various stakeholders and through various initiatives such as events or thematic meetings, etc. hosted not only nationally, but internationally too.

Mango is one of the companies with the greatest international presence in the sector. Founded in Barcelona in 1984, the company is present in over 115 markets, has more than 14,000 employees and a total of 2,566 stores worldwide. 78% of Mango sales originate from outside Spain and the company works with close to 2,400 supplier factories worldwide. 

7. Training

Mango StartUp Studio allows the selected companies to access specialised courses in start-ups offered by the IESE Business School, a global business school that has been ranked number one in the world by the Financial Times since 2015.

What form does Mango StartUp Studio training take?

The training of business managers is key, since their decision-making will have an influence on the success or failure of the business project. These managers will receive training that, on the one hand, is holistic and focused on the business world, and on the other, more technical and related to the fashion sector. Both training courses are given by professionals of the IESE Business School. 

The training provided by Mango StartUp Studio and IESE Business School improves the decision-making of the top executives of the entrepreneurial companies and consolidates the business project. The content of the training is adapted to the circumstances and needs of each project, in order to offer greater added value to the programme.

Do you have an idea? We’re looking for you

If you think you can bring innovation to the fashion industry to solve one of the challenges within the sector, write to us and we’ll consider your application at Mango StartUp Studio.